These faculty accept and train graduate students in their programs.

Jessica Barb
Assistant Research Scientist | Plant Breeding and Genetics, Crimson Clover
Dr. Biswal's Horticulture Dept. Profile

Akshaya Biswal
Assistant Research Scientist; Emphasis: Peanut Genetics, Breeding, Genomics, Genetic Engineering & Genome Editing
Wild Peanut Lab Website | Dr. Bertioli's Google Scholar Page

David Bertioli
Professor & GRA/GSD Distinguished Investigator | Peanut Genetics, Genomics and Evolution

William D. Branch
Georgia Seed Development Professor in Peanut Breeding and Genetics

Zhenbang Chen
Assistant Research Scientist | Molecular Biology, Genetics, and Plant Breeding

Patrick J. Conner
Professor & Tifton REI Coordinator; Emphasis: Pecan & muscadine breeding

Katrien M. Devos
Distinguished Research Professor | Grass Genetics; Comparative Genomics; Trait Analyses; Genome Evolution; Millets; Turfgrasses
Dr. Mergoum's Google Scholar Page

Mohamed Mergoum
Georgia Seed Development UGAF Professor in Wheat Breeding and Genetics (Plant Breeding, Genetics, & Genomics)
Dr. Mitchum's Website | Google Scholar
Dr. Nankar's Horticulture Dept. Profile
Dr. Ozias-Akins' Google Scholar Page

Peggy Ozias-Akins
Distinguished Research Professor; Emphasis: Molecular genetics of plant development, peanuts

John M. Ruter
Allan M. Armitage Professor & UGA Trial Gardens Director; Emphasis: Ornamental breeding & production
Dr. van der Knapp's Website | Google Scholar

Esther van der Knaap
Professor; Emphasis: Tomatoes, plant development, genetics & genomics
Dr. Vaughn's Google Scholar | Dr. Vaughn's Website

Justin N Vaughn
Computational Biologist, USDA-ARS | Adjunct Faculty, UGA Crop & Soil Sciences
Dr. Wallace's Website | Google Scholar | ORCID

Jason Wallace
Associate Professor: Quantitative genetics, genomics, bioinformatics, and crop microbiomes