Angel Brooks

Name: Angel Brooks

Hometown:  Conyers, Georgia

Year in School: Graduate Student (M.S.)

Angel Brooks headshot

In her own words ...

Where are you from, and why did you choose to study at UGA/CAES?
Conyers, GA I chose to study at CAES due to its wide range of resources and opportunities for helping students to go directly in their desired fields.

What is your major/degree program, and what department?
Master's in Plant Breeding Genetics & Genomics in the Institute for Plant Breeding Genetics & Genomics.

Why did you choose your major?
I wanted to make a difference in agricultural advances that help to support our growing population.

What is your favorite class you have taken?
ENTO4300S Insect Outreach.

Who has been your favorite instructor?
Dr. Guillebeau.

What has been the best experience you've had so far at CAES?
My best experience has been working in the greenhouses and learning how to care for the different plants that are grown in the Missaoui lab.

What do you want to do with what you have learned here?
I wish to take what I learn here to a corporation that will further my learning experience.

How has your experience at UGA changed you?
UGA has molded me to be more open minded to different types of people and learn to be a leader in my community.

Thinking of the word agriculture - what does agriculture mean to you? In what ways does agriculture impact your life and your culture?
Agriculture means life. It is the basis of all living things because we need the ag industry to live. Small scale farms and large farms all have an impact on us.

What do you like to do outside of class — hobbies, interests, secret talents?
Outside of class, I am the President of Black Felicity Student Association, a club dedicated to promoting community service and political advocacy. I am also the Social Media Chair for Women's Heath and Awareness Club, which gets the word out about health issues pertaining specifically to women in our age range.