Gema Takbir Nugraha

Name: Gema Takbir Nugraha

Home Country: Indonesia

Year in School: Graduate Student - M.S.

Gema Nugraha working on electronics.

In his own words ...

Where are you from, and why did you choose to study at UGA/CAES?
I'm from Garut, a small town in West Java, Indonesia. I've always had a strong desire to study abroad for my graduate studies, and UGA offers exceptional programs in the field of plant sciences. 

What is your major/degree program, and what department?
MS in Plant Breeding, Genetics, and Genomics

Why did you choose your major?
Molecular genetics has always been my dream, and I am fortunate to have an advisor who has offered me a diverse project in plant breeding. This project encompasses fieldwork, wet lab experiments, and dry lab analysis, all of which I thoroughly enjoy. 

What is your favorite class you have taken?
HORT 6800 - Agricultural Biotechnology

Who has been your favorite instructor?
Casey Bergman

What has been the best experience you've had so far at the college?
Working in High-Performing Computing (HPC) cluster! It's surprising because my neighbors back home think agriculture is only about ploughing soil. I never imagined I would get to use supercomputers for studying agriculture. 

What do you want to do with what you have learned here?
I aspire to become a researcher specializing in plant breeding and bioinformatics, with a dedicated focus on improving tropical fruit crops. My aim is to contribute to the scientific exploration and enhancement of these fruits, which hold great importance in my country's agriculture. 

How has your experience at UGA changed you?
I have developed a more efficient and thoughtful way of thinking, aiming for greater efficiency. Additionally, I feel more comfortable making decisions and communicating with others.

Thinking of the word agriculture - what does agriculture mean to you? In what ways does agriculture impact your life and your culture?
Growing up in an agricultural environment has given me a deep appreciation for its vital role in supporting communities and shaping our culture. It affects my life through the food I eat and the meaningful traditions associated with farming. 

What do you like to do outside of class — hobbies, interests, secret talents?
As a water enthusiast, I thoroughly enjoy engaging in water-related activities, particularly swimming in rivers or oceans. Additionally, I'm a fan of League of Legends!