Holly W. Presley

Name: Holly W. Presley

Hometown:  Jefferson, Georgia

Year in School: Graduate Student (Ph.D.)

Holly Presley headshot

In her own words ...

Where are you from, and why did you choose to study at UGA/CAES?
I am from Jefferson, GA and I am a lifelong Dawg! I completed my undergraduate degree from UGA and chose to come back to pursue a PhD in Plant Breeding, Genetics, and Genomics because it is one of the premier programs in the country. The Institute of Plant Breeding, Genetics, and Genomics (IPBGG) at UGA has a long history of success, coupled with excellent extension and advocacy efforts. I also love living in Athens and was grateful for the opportunity to stay close to my family and friends in the area..

What is your major/degree program, and what department?
PhD in Plant Breeding, Genetics, and Genomics (Bioinformatics certificate) through the IPBGG.

Why did you choose your major?
I chose to study plant breeding because I am passionate about improving global food security through the genetic improvement of crop plants. I believe that feeding the world will be the challenge of our generation and that we will need to pursue all avenues to meet it. I am endlessly fascinated by biology and genetics and am excited to have a career where I can help create new products that benefit farmers and consumers alike.

What is your favorite class you have taken?
The Plant Breeding Practicum- It was so fun to meet professors from the other UGA campuses, to learn about different research projects going on at UGA, and to meet government and industry professionals. This class gave me great insight into the current world of plant breeding and helped shape my career goals.

Who has been your favorite instructor?
Dr. Shavannor Smith- Dr. Smith’s class is very challenging, but she made it interesting and accessible. I learned a lot in her class and not just about plant pathology, but about graduate school and personal success.

What has been the best experience you've had so far at CAES?
This question is hard—I have had many great experiences at CAES! I had a blast at the 2022 Plant Center Retreat this year. It was great to network with other plant-people outside my department.

What do you want to do with what you have learned here?
It is truly a blessing and a privilege to be here at the University of Georgia and I don’t intend to let it go to waste! I hope to use the knowledge and skills I have cultivated here to become a successful plant breeder and to release new cultivars that benefit both producers and consumers. I also aim to be a part of the effort to advocate for responsible agricultural science and to help communicate the necessity and efficacy of adding advanced technological approaches to traditional plant breeding practices.

How has your experience at UGA changed you?
Growing up in a small town in Georgia, agriculture has always been a part of my world, but it wasn’t until coming to UGA that I realized the true importance of agriculture and began to appreciate the extent of the effort that goes into keeping grocery store shelves stocked. My experiences at UGA, my successes and failures, have shaped me both professionally and personally, and given me a depth of knowledge and character which I am proud to carry into my daily life.

Thinking of the word agriculture - what does agriculture mean to you? In what ways does agriculture impact your life and your culture?
I do not think it is an overstatement to say that agriculture means life! Life as we know it does not exist without modern agriculture. Nothing brings people together like food and we would not have the variety of delicious and affordable options without the incredible, collaborative work of so many people, from the farmers in the field to us in the lab developing the best possible seed for them to grow. As a native Georgian, agriculture is a huge part of my culture, and not just for the grits and collard greens! I believe that agriculture makes obvious the connectedness of all living things on this planet and shows the amazing value of both humble hard work and grit and innovation and technological advancement.

What do you like to do outside of class — hobbies, interests, secret talents?
I have many hobbies: hiking, playing with my pets, reading long fiction novels, watching comedies, gardening, and hanging out with friends. My secret talent is baking and cake decorating, which always seems to me like a low stakes, yummy lab protocol.