Amelia Boettcher
The Case of Gummy Stem Blight: A Watermelon Murder Mystery
Leah Tomey
The Genetics and Biochemistry Behind a Flavor that's Anything But Plain
Namrata Maharjan
Going Viral: Saving the Food We Love
Habib Widyawan
How To Protect Soybean From Southern Stem Canker
Anita Giabardo
Live Fast, Last Long: Apples' Race Against Time
Anne Frances Jarrell
Defeating Late Blight, Potato’s Arch Nemesis
Raegan Holton
Putting the "able" in Sustainable Agriculture: Using Peanuts and Genetics
Iago Schardong
Fiber Wars: A new hope for cotton over synthetics
Eddie Beasley
Evaluation of Cotton Germplasm for Resistance to Endemic Diseases in the Southeast United States
Brody Deaton
Improving Tolerance to Dinitroaniline Herbicides in Tall Fescue, Schedonorus arundinacea
Vinavi Gamage Lakshman
Investigation of the molecular basis of soybean cyst nematode resistance in soybean and its impact on soybean growth and development
Anita Giabardo
Another brick in the (cell) wall. How improved biomass can open doors to tomorrow's bioplastic
Kelly Goode
Elucidating the Molecular Basis of Soybean Resistance to the Southern Root-Knot Nematode
Dr. Phil Simon
Carrot Breeding to Reduce Inputs for Growers and Increase Outputs for Consumers
Jazib Irfan
The King of Fruits: What makes a MANGO
Yongjun Yue
Advances and Innovations in Rose Breeding: From Genetics to Garden
Qian Feng
Flavorful Aromas: The Scents Behind Your Favorite Fruits
Habib Widyawan
Can cooking be more sustainable?
Caitlin McCann
The State of Peaches in the Peach State
Harshita Saxena
The Quest for a Perfect Lawn: How America’s best grass came to be
Anne Collart
Goodbye Pesto? Overcoming the Basil Downy Mildew Pandemic
Akshaya Biswal
IPBGG Membership Seminar: Fast Forward Peanut Breeding for Disease Resistance and Seed Quality
John Bagwell
Deciphering the Genetics of Hessian Fly, Leaf Rust, and Stripe Rust Resistance in Wheat in the Southeastern US (Dissertation Defense)
Rachel Rackers
MiRNA Ninjas: Overlooked Players to Increase Sorghum Biofuel Production
Kelly Goode
From Roots to Resilience: Plant Breeding for Nematode Resistance
Nathaniel Burner
Come Fly With Me: Drone-based Estimation of Soybean Maturity
Shreena Pradhan
Paint Your Plate Purple
Amol Nankar
Vegetable Breeding – Breeding Pipeline Development to Variety Release
Jon Cody
Developing tools for improving the process of plant transformation and gene editing
Andrew Ogden
Breeding Horticultural Crops for Controlled Environment Agriculture: A New Horizon
Mylee Mobley
Host Plant Resistance: Cowpea vs. Curculio
Katie Toomey
Rooting Against the Odds: A Success Story from African Fields
Samantha Wan Fiber Quality Improvement of Upland cotton (Gossypium Hirsutum L.) through Interspecific Introgression
Razi Ibrahim
Developing 2,4-D resistant white clover through mutation breeding and recurrent selection
Gema Nugraha
Rediscovering a Legacy: Finding Adaptability in Lost Peanut
Dr. Andrew Wiersma
Plant Breeder, Edible Bean Breeding and Genetics at Archer Daniels Midland
Guarab Bhattarai
Genetic Analysis of Nut Shape and Scab Resistance in Pecan
Daniel Matusinec
Bringing together peanut wild relatives to combat stem rot
Angel Brooks
My Relationship with Renewable Energy and Switchgrass
Hallie Wright
Full Blast: Overcoming Finger Millet’s Biggest Villain
Nathaniel Burner
Can Breeding End the War on Tobacco?
Brandon Tonnis
Peanut Oil Treasure Hunt: Breeding for an Overlooked Peanut Trait
Saptarshi Mondal
Can Zoysiagrass Beat Salts?
Namrata Maharjan
Spotting resistance in wild peanut relatives
Samikshya Rijal
Curiouser and Curiouser About Citrus
Holly W. Presley
Fortifying the Cereal Aisle
Razi Ibrahim
Grow Your Own Nitrogen: Improving Seed Yield of White Clover
Sydney Webb
A Champion in the Making? Improving Peanut's Resistance to Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus
Antonio Jose Monforte
Genetic basis of fruit morphology and domestication in melon
Brandon Tonnis
Open Sesame: Creating a Better Password for an Ancient Oilseed
Samantha Surber
Return of the Forest's Gentle Giant
Jordan Knapp-Wilson
James (Oglethorpe) and the Giant Peach: A Tale of How Georgia Became the Peach State
Kendall Lee
Characterization of the Tall Fescue Endophyte
Manoj Sapkota
Elucidating the genetic basis of flavor volatiles in tomato
Mark Miller
Predictive breeding to accelerate genetic gain in soybean
Sam McDonald
Genetic mapping of frogeye leaf spot resistance and breeding for improved seed composition in soybean
Harshita Saxena
Who’s eating all the chickpeas?
Samantha Wan
A Dip into Upland Cotton's Secondary Gene Pool for Fiber Quality Improvement
Brody Deaton
From Row Cropping to Turfgrass, Potential Uses and Impacts of Dinitroaniline Herbicide Resistance
Ben Culver
Watch out for Ramularia: an emerging cotton leaf disease
Daniel Matusinec
Bringing Cranberries to the Thanksgiving Table
Yongjun Yue
Legends, Hunters, and Thieves: The Stories Behind Our Backyard Landscaping
Vinavi Lakshman
CRISPRing: Gene Editing to Accelerate Plant Breeding
Amanda Webb
A Seedy Story - Sterility in Bermudagrass Golf Greens
Austin Hart
Plant Aromatics: For More Than Just the Birds and Bees
Holly Wright Presley
A Royal Homecoming - Improving Low pH and Aluminum Tolerance in Alfalfa for the Southeast
Zachary Fleming
Blossom End Rot: A Multi-Species Menace
Samikshya Rijal
Watermelon's Wild Friends - Introgressing Important Traits in a Favorite Fruit
Brianna Cheekc
An Analysis of the Tools for Mitigation of Aflatoxin Production in Peanut
John Bagwell
The Genetic Plan to Save our Bread
Kendall Lee
We Have History: The Coevolution of Asexual Epichloe Endophytes and Cool-Season Grasses
Natacha Namphengsone
The Role of OFPs and TRMs in Organogenesis
Sefa Ayten
Genome Analysis of the Medicinal Plant Teucrium marum (Lamiaceae)
Alexandra Ostezan
Genetic Improvement of Soybean for Resistance to Soybean Cyst Nematode
Sam McDonald
Who Let the Frogs Out? Breeding Soybean to Prevent the Next Frogeye Leaf Spot Outbreak
Ethan Menke
Advancing Soybean Breeding Through Disease Resistance, Climate Resilience, and High-Throughput Phenotyping
Gaurab Bhattarai
PBGG Spring Student Seminar: An Uncovered Gem of the South: the Muscadines
Edward Beasley
Navigating Native Traits of Cotton Responsible for Nematode Resistance
Madhav Subedi
Quinoa: South America's Gift to Your Kitchen
Alexandra Ostezan
Combatting Soybean Cyst Nematode: Helping Soybeans in the Fight Against Yield Loss
Manoj Sapkota
Language of Plants: Understanding the Plant Vocabulary and its Possible Implications in Crop Breeding
Samuele Lamon
Italian Chicory: Experiment with Bitterness and Colors in your Salads
Dung Tran
Genetic mapping of QTL for and exploring the interaction of root microbiome with soybean cyst nematode resistance
Isabel Vales
Development of Climate-change-ready Potato Varieties to Overcome Heat Stress
Matthew Clark
Modern Grape Breeding, using DNA Markers to Enrich the Selection Process
Caleb Warrington
Sesame: Modernizing an Ancient Oilseed
Nino Brown
Powerful Peanuts - Leveraging Technology for Peanut Cultivar Development Research
Lovepreet Singh Chahal
Evaluation of Phylogenetically Distant BABY BOOM Genes for their Potential to Induce Parthenogenesis
Chandler Levinson
Characterization of Allotetraploids Cross-Compatible to Cultivated Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
Samuele Lamon
Meiosis as a Causal Mechanism for Genome Variation
Kendall Lee
The Fungus That Feeds America
Vinavi Lakshman
Drink Tea and Be Merry: How Tea Keeps Getting Better
John Bagwell
The Genetic Tug of War to Keep Corn Safe
Emile Barnes
Breeding Hot Peppers and Why We Love Them
Qian Feng
How to Make Tomatoes Taste Better
Ed Beasley
Get Caught with Your Plants Down? Explaining the Science Behind Disease Resistance in Plants
Evan McCoy
Lucha for Lunch: Chemical Warfare on Your Dinner Plate
Dr. Jonathan Jones
Plant Immunity: The Zigzag Turns Full Circle
Katherine Catching
Thesis Defense Seminar: Engineering Disease Resistance to Dollar Spot in Seashore Paspalum
Thomas Gottilla
Thesis Defense Seminar: Investigation into the Genetic Mechanisms of Salt Tolerance in Seashore Paspalum
Gary Orr
Thesis Defense Seminar: Genetic Engineering of Tall Fescue for Improved Turf Traits
Dr. Evans Lagudah
Durable Disease Resistance: Learning from Wheat
Jan Low
Zoom webinar: Developing Effective Breeding Programs and Delivery Systems for Biofortified Sweetpotato in Sub-Saharan Africa