IPBGG Graduate Student Association
IPBGG Graduate Student Association (GSA)
The PBGG GSA continues to be very active in social activities and assisting the faculty planning seminars and other activities. They also maintain all the social media for the IPBGG. The GSA also provides constant feedback to IPBGG faculty and staff for the enhancement of the graduate program. GSA members take leadership roles in planning and executing the IPBGG journal club, photo contests, the annual retreat, Boerma symposium, and other activities.
2023-2024 officers:
- President = Holly Wright Presley
- Vice-President Athens = Daniel Matusinec
- Vice-President Tifton = Gema Nugraha
- Vice-President Griffin = Samikshya Rijal
- Secretary = Sameer Pokhrel
- Treasurer = Chad Hawkins
- Journal Club Chair = Angel Brooks
- Social Chair = Nathaniel Burner
- Web-Master = Austin Hart
- Fundraising Chair = Anne Frances Jarrell
- GSA Delegate = Vinavi Lakshman

Full calendar year activities list (Jan-Dec 2023):
- January 27th - Rollerblading (Tifton)
- February 22nd - Trivia Night @ Mama Sid's Pizza (Athens)
- March 31st & April 1st, 7th, and 8th - Spring Plant Sale (Athens)
- April 7th - Potluck & Game Night (Tifton)
- April 21st - Graduation Party Cookout (Athens)
- April 23rd - End of Semester Cookout (Tifton)
- May 17th - 19th - IPBGG Retreat in Columbus, GA
- June 24th - Kayaking (Tifton)
- June 25th - Summer Picnic (Athens)
- July 5th - Cookout with the PBGG Practicum class (Athens)
- July 22nd - Corn picking with Concrete Jungle benefiting the Atlanta Area Food Bank (Athens)
- August 15th - Tie Dye Back to School Bash (Athens)
- August 23rd - Tie Dye Back to School Bash (Tifton)
- August 25th - Welcome to PBGG Cookout (Athens)
- September 8th - Pool Party hosted by Drs. Bertioli (Athens)
- September 29th - Welcome to PBGG Cookout (Griffin)
- October 4th - Game night + Pizza Party (Tifton)
- October 12th - Grindhouse Percentage Share Night (Athens)
- October 20th - Succulent Sale, collaboration with PBIO GSA (Athens)
- October 20th - Miller Mingle, collaboration event with HORT, PBIO, & PPATH (Athens)
- October 23rd - Pumpkin Carving Event (Athens)
- October 27th - Boerma Lecture with honored guest speaker Dr. Alison Bentley
- October 31st - Pumpkin Carving Event (Tifton)
- October 31st - Harvesting Pecan Knowledge: Field Visit with Dr. Conner (Tifton)
- November 14th - Cookout & Packing Party, creating care packages for Athens Area Homeless Shelter (Athens)
- December 11th - Succulent Sale - student benefit fundraiser (Athens)
- December 16th - Poinsettia Sale (Athens)
- December 20th - Holiday Door Decorating Contest (All campuses)
- January 22nd - IPBGG Welcome Party (Athens)
- January 24th - PBGG on Ice, ice skating social event (Athens)
- Monthly Beer Club - June 2nd, July 21st, August 18th, September 28th, October 19th, November 17th, December 13th, January 19th (Athens)
Activity Photos
Click to enlarge